Hi! I’m Nicole, but my friends call me Nic. You can too!
Through years of my own personal journey with anxiety disorders and stress, I’ve become an expert on managing daily anxiety.
I am an advocate for both medication and mindfulness techniques in order to overcome stress and anxiety. No shame in either game! I am a certified breathwork and meditation instructor. Through breathwork & meditation, I have been able to physically calm my body and take control over my thought spiral. I am passionate about helping people learn these practices so they too can feel in control when anxiety tries to run the show.

I firmly believe that I am stronger because of my anxiety, and it is not who I am. In fact, it’s forced me to become even more comfortable and confident in my own skin.

All it took was one severe panic attack…
My earliest memories of general anxiety begin around age 10. my anxiety symptoms were rather typical, manifesting physically before my brain could catch up - but back then, no one knew what was wrong. when i was in my early thirties, I developed a full panic disorder and—for a period of time—agoraphobia. There was a 2 month period where I struggled to even leave my home. Good times.
My anxiety has changed, but I’ve changed with it. I proactively work really hard at my mental health now. I proactively utilize a lot of tactics to keep myself at a hundred percent.
mindfulness has been a game changer in my anxiety journey.