Easy Mexican Takeout Alternative Recipes


If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed that when I am actually cooking at home, I typically do it on Mondays (I call it #cookathomemondays - genius, I know).  Here’s the thing. Studies have shown that your diet can affect anxiety levels. The most common analysis is that processed foods and foods high in sugar can cause spikes and drops in blood sugar, which can symptomatically mimic a panic attack.  Simply put, a clean, balanced diet keeps us healthy.

This isn’t good news for me.  I love pizza and hate to cook.  I just missed out on that domestic gene and, frankly, cooking stresses me out.  While I wish I could have an in-home chef to prepare me healthy delicious meals daily (#goals, am I right?), that is not the current scenario.  So, on the rare (once a week) occasion I do cook, I make it easy and delicious. Oh, and healthy...ish.

Easy Mexican Takeout Alternative Recipes

Here are my go-to Mexican takeout alternative recipes:


Know Your Nervousness: Understanding the Difference Between Anxiety and Anxiety Disorder


Songs That Make You Happy, Volume 1