Coronavirus: How To Cope with Your Anxiety
My ability to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic I think can be attributed to my overall ability to cope with anxiety.
How 2020 Has Helped My Anxiety
How 2020 Has Helped My Anxiety Wow! It’s been a minute since I’ve done some writing and contributed to my site—how very 2020 of me (let’s hope I remember how to even post this)...
4 Ways to Stay Positive in a Pandemic
I always strive to live life looking on the positive side of things. But I have to admit that I’ve had some real moments of sadness during this pandemic….
I have Anxiety and I got Coronavirus
I have Anxiety and I got Coronavirus When you have generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder like I do, you are constantly catastrophizing every situation…
Why Does My Anxiety Get Worse When I'm Sick?
Last month, while I was getting all riled up with my 2020 visions (see what I did there?), a virus that only Satan could conjure found me (and no, it wasn’t Coronavirus…
9 Gifts for Your Anxious Friends
Happy December, friends! We’ve made it through Thanksgiving and now it’s just one (busy AF) landslide into Christmas. Thanksgiving was particularly late this year, so I’m feeling all sorts of stress and pressure to pick up the speed on my holiday shopping. I love perusing gift guides for ideas….
Holiday Wellness Survival Guide
Holiday Wellness Survival Guide It’s the most wonderful time of the year — the holiday season! I think I just merged two holiday songs there…
Embracing Daylight Savings Time
Daylight Savings Time Anxiety A few weeks ago marked daylight saving times and I think we can all agree that although the extra hour of sleep was great…
Positive Affirmations for Anxiety
Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Muhammad Ali truly believed and told himself that he was the greatest of all time, even before he was….
S.O.S.! I Need a Distraction from My Anxiety
S.O.S.! I Need a Distraction from My Anxiety Sometimes you can do everything right and anxiety will still knock on your door. There are even times when you can just wake up with anxiety for no apparent reason at all.
Self Care Questions to Ask Yourself to Master It
I recently had a magical detox weekend. I decided I need to fully dedicate to a wellness weekend to give my body a much needed reset due to the 100 day marathon of Summertime in Chicago catching up with me….
Another Year Older, Another Year Wiser?
Another Year Older, Another Year Wiser Ah, another year older and another year wiser? I like to think so. I’m the type of person that doesn’t like complacency….
5 Ways to Keep Mentally and Physically Cool in the Summer
Summer hater, over here. Kidding, I don’t hate summer, I’m not a monster… but, it’s not the best season for my anxiety….
Steps to Overcome an Anxiety Relapse
How to Overcome an Anxiety Relapse Until very recently, my anxiety had been in a really good place…
Work in Progress: How I am Dealing with Agoraphobia
There are several different types of anxiety: generalized anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress, and panic disorder….
Why I'm Proactive with My Health
It’s that time of year for me: doctor exam time. Although I’m still (relatively, and don’t argue with me) young, I’ve been proactive with my health for my entire adult life….
Brené Brown & The Strength in Vulnerability
All hail queen Brené Brown. She was introduced to me (the name, not actually in person…I wish) by a family member, and my life is forever better….
How to Get Out of a Funk
Funks. We’ve all been there, even Beyonce…probably. You know, when the sky seems to be falling and there’s a straight domino effect of all these shit things happening….
Work in Progress: Letting Go of Being a People Pleaser
I’m an inherent people pleaser. I found an article that confirms it, and I always believe what the Internet tells me (this is why I don’t Google medical conditions)….
What is Self-Care and Why is it Important
Whether you’re a frequent reader or new to my blog, you may have noticed I talk about self-care, a lot. Over the years, I’ve learned the hard….